Saturday, March 30, 2013

Reaching the Finish Line

So, I Googled "finish line" images and this was the first result. That's me after my first AHA Heart Walk!

Well, my roll came to a halt on Thursday. I felt better when I woke up that morning, so I decided to workout. Bad idea.  I’m pretty sure I spent more time in the gym coughing than actually exercising. As such, I've been recovering; breathing treatments are now my best friend. While I haven’t hit the gym again this week, I have tried to be active by enduring some spring cleaning. My house now smells lemony fresh and bleach-y clean! The last few tips will be general ones that can easier be incorporated into your daily routine.  Read, and hopefully, enjoy!

42. Abandon your car. Walk or bike to work for a slimming commute. This is easier said than done if you live in a suburb like I do.  In those cases, try to park far away so that you have to walk to your work place. This tip really became a necessity parking at the University of Tennessee as the closest parking spots there are still 15 minutes away from everything!  This tip works well when shopping too :)

43. Eat breakfast. Those who enjoy a morning meal have been shown over and over to be slimmer than breakfast skippers.  This makes sense if you really think about it; you fast all night as you sleep. When you awake in the morning, your body is hungry and needs fuel. If you skip breakfast, by the time lunch comes you are ravenous.  Then, you tend to overeat. The later you eat, the less likely you are to work off those calories with daily activities and exercise.

44. Love a cow.  A report recently cited yogurt as a food most identified with maintaining a healthy weight.  You could try yogurt for breakfast paired with some granola and fruit, or blend it up for a quick smoothie. Also, drink more milk! Low-fat dairy consumption seems to speed weight loss. There are many healthy components to dairy foods one being CLA or conjugated linoleic acid. Many reports expound on the benefits of CLA (especially my senior thesis on the subject)!

45. Weigh in daily. For some, the scale is a bummer and a distraction for many. Others however like the daily feedback and accountability. I tend to forget this one just as much as I forget to update my blog. I like to schedule my weigh-ins just like anything else.  Try it, and see if you lose weight. Either way, do what works best for you :)

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