Sunday, June 17, 2012


So, I’m a girl who loves a good bargain and it’s free, then it’s even better! About a year ago, I was invited to join a company called Crowdtap. This marketing company allows companies like Old Navy, Woolite, Playtex, Verizon, AT&T, McCormick’s GrillMates, etc.  to get opinions and feedback from everyday consumers like you and me to aid them in making their products better through samples and discussions and to get ideas for new products and/or services. In my opinion, it's a great website and not only do you get to sample some awesome items (Listerine mouthwash, Old Navy Active sportswear, Playtex Sport tampons, and Woolite Extra Dark Care) additionally you can acquire points for your participating in quick hits, actions, and mission redeemable for rewards like gift cards, or as an added bonus, you can make donations to a variety of different charities!

In case you are wondering what quick hits, actions and missions are here is a short explanation.

Missions:  Once you join, you will have a list of missions to complete to earn points. As you complete a mission, another one will unlock so you can keep earning points. Missions can be referring friends, completing quick hits, or hosting parties.

Quick hits: You are asked questions to earn points and often times you will be given the opportunity to share something with your friends (post on Facebook, Twitter, or via email) to earn additional points.

Actions: Becoming a member of a brand discussion or being selected for a product sample share qualifies as an action. You will be asked to write reports and/or give your feedback via the discussion area. If you are like so many Crowdtappers, you can also blog about it! For participating in the actions, you will earn points for giving your feedback, posting daily comments, etc.
Modeling 101
My turn to model 
Recently, I became a member of the Woolite Crowdtap community and was selected to host a sample share for Woolite Extra Dark Care.  For this party, I was sent a swag bag full of sample products and coupons, trivia cards, dry erase boards and markers as well as a guide book. I was instructed to host a party to highlight the product, but overall have fun with my guests.  This past Saturday, I held my party and we had a great time. The day was filled with fashion, food and fun! All my guests loved the product samples and couldn't wait to try them out at home. My original theme was a Swish and Swash and after the party, I s"washed" all my newly acquired clothing in Woolite Extra Dark Care.  I am very happy with the results and loved the clean smell.  A bit of warning: a little Woolite goes a long way, so use sparingly!

In case you don’t know what swishing is, there is an explanation.

It’s the latest craze in ethical shopping-the new pastime of the fashion-savvy woman who wants to reduce costs and improve her wardrobe at the same time. Swishing enables you to get rid of the items you no longer need, no longer fit, unwanted gifts and unmitigated fashion disasters. This could be clothing, shoes, bags, accessories, jewelry, whatever fits into the fashion frame.

If you want to read more, check out my Hub, “To Swish or Not to Swish? That is the Question” at

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