Friday, July 13, 2012

I'm so Frustrated! Dealing with Weight-Loss Setbacks

I don’t know about you, but lately, I’ve been suffering from some fitness and weight loss setbacks. Plagued by injuries (too many to name them all), I’ve seen my fitness level decrease and my waist line increase. The scale goes up right along with my frustration.  Thanks goodness, my trainer, Killer Kyle didn’t want to weigh and measure me this week as I started another new medication to treat one of my many infirmities. However, I know the day is coming soon and as such, my goal for the month of July is to lose 5 pounds. Setbacks or no, I’m not giving up, so neither can you! What if you do experience a weight-loss setback too? Here are some tips on overcoming weight-loss setbacks and staying on track. If I can do it, so can you!

Weight Loss Setbacks
I don’t have to tell you that sometimes we all go off track on your weight-loss program and slipping back into old patterns of unhealthy eating and minimal exercise. No one’s perfect, we all make mistakes, and knowing that we need to have a plan to help us recover when these slip-ups occur. Replacing a bad habit with a good habit takes!  These tips and advice listed here can aid you in forming a plan of action for overcoming those inevitable setbacks. While relapses are disappointing, they can be helpful is you learn to keep your goals realistic, and learn what high-risk situations to avoid or that certain strategies don't work for you.
  • Take charge. Only you can help yourself lose weight and get yourself back on track. It’s your responsibility!
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. Practice self-forgiveness. Remember that mistakes happen and that each day is another day to start over. It’s not over!
  • Ask for and accept help. Asking for help is a sign of good judgment, not weakness. Telling others about your goals can motivate you to keep them and will provide external reinforcement as others will ask about your progress. Moreover, working with others who share the same or similar groups is beneficial for you and for them!
  • Problem-solve as you go. Instead of beating  yourself up, identify your problems, and create a list of possible solutions. Keeping trying the possible solutions until your problems are solved. If you still can’t find a solution to all your issues, ask for help.
  • Recommit to your goals. Review your weight-loss goals. Are they  realistic? I want to lose 76 pounds, but I know it won’t happen overnight.  Remember, healthy weight loss comes slowly; the healthiest way is 1 to  2 pounds a week (men often lose more than women so this is a ballpark figure).

Above all, remember that you're not a failure, nor is your weight-loss program. Going back to your old ways doesn't mean that all hope is lost. All you need to do is recharge your motivation, recommit to your program and return to your healthy ways!

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