Sunday, July 29, 2012

Starting Over: Can You Relate?

It’s been a while since my last post for a few very good (and very unavoidable) reasons.  One of my earliest post mentioned that I have fibromyalgia or FMS. In case you need a primer, FMS is a syndrome in which a person has long-term, body-wide pain and tenderness in the joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues along with fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, depression, and anxiety. Such fun! Anyway, for the last month or so, I’ve had some very awful flare-ups including two carpel tunnel and cubital tunnel ones—that’s a flare-up per hand and arm. Dual arm braces and typing/writing don’t mix at all, so I’m just now getting back into work mode.

My career as a hand model will be short!

My previous posts mentioned set-backs for again, very good reasons. The injuries and aches this time around have really done a number on my body and as such, I’ve reverted back to old habits and am paying for those actions. Combining steroids (for both tunnel syndromes and a back sprain) and eating like I’m still in training has landing me 10 pounds heavier in just 1 month.  I’m really not proud to admit this, but I’m taking my own advice -owning up to my mistakes and getting back on the horse to try again. Essentially, I’m starting over. Can anyone else relate?

I’ve been training for a 5K, which may not seem like much, but when you weigh 270 pounds and are in constant pain, sometimes breathing is a chore.  The 5K is this week, so I will share more about that later.  My trainer, Killer Kyle, has been Kind Kyle as of late given my plight, so I haven’t been measured this month either. When I am measured again, I will post my beginning stats and my new ones.

Lastly, I’m asking for help. I share my trials and triumphs with the world (or at least anyone reading), not only to motivate me and to get some external reinforcement, but because I hope my story can help someone else.  I encourage you, the reader, as well to share your story. Asking for help isn’t a weakness; its strength and a sign of good judgment.

Thanks for reading! See you at the finish line!

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